African Men Reject Pro-Abortion Lies About Fatherhood

Di Tom Ciesielka

(Fonte : )

As Father’s Day approaches, Human Life International is helping African men persevere in their culture’s traditional understanding of fathers as protectors and providers and reject negative Western influences that claim contraception and abortion strengthen families.

In Africa, fathers are typically perceived as the head of a family and respected as such, explained Emil Hagamu, Human Life International Regional Director of English-Speaking Africa. In Hagamu’s native country of Tanzania, fathers seek health, prosperity, and peaceful marriages for their families. With that goal in mind, Paschal, a Tanzanian village father and his neighbors accepted what they were told by population control groups – that contraception and abortion made families stronger. Anti-life groups taught them that “family planning” would bring health, prosperity, and peaceful marriages. As they came to understand, Hagamu shared, the truth is exactly the opposite.

Human Life International was on hand to help Paschal when he learned that the real motive behind the “family planning” push was that there be fewer Africans. With training provided by Human Life Internation, Paschal was able to step up confidently to protect his family, vowing to keep his marriage focused on life, and to teach his children the truth about life.

Roseline Uiras works with families in Tsumeb, Namibia. Human Life International recently received her report on the devolution of fatherhood in the sub-Saharan nation of roughly 2.5 million.

“People have lost their identity. It’s very unfortunate that we grow up witnessing tragic scenarios in our communities: gender-based violence, same-sex marriages, and the LGBTQ lifestyle. We have lost men – lost fathers – as a result of this. Many have run away from their fatherly responsibilities. Some have turned to substance abuse.”

Uiras asks, “Who will lead the children? These confused, so-called ‘fathers’? Who is supposed to teach, protect, and provide for their children?”

However, Uiras has not abandoned hope, and points to the work she does – and the restoration brought about by Human Life International, as they help African fathers reject western misconceptions and return to the traditional African understanding of fatherhood.

This life affirming, family strengthening ministry helps men struggling with present day problems find a touchstone to help navigate the challenges of fatherhood.

Uiras relates the story of Mark, the sole caregiver for his four children. Divorced and in his early 40s, the Namibian struggled to cope with the challenges of single parenthood after his wife abruptly walked out on the family. Despite the overwhelming challenges, Mark has remained determined to provide a loving and supportive environment for his children. His participation in Uiras’ Tsumeb life advocacy group has helped affirm his role as provider and protector of his children.

In Uganda, Human Life International’s Fr. Jonathan Opio, shared how bringing men together in conferences that focus on faith and family has been a way of leading men to lovingly reflect the image and authority of God within their families.

Father Opio told of the experience of such a conference by Ugandan father Michael Odeke. Odeke told Father Opio how his eyes had been opened and that he felt so ashamed when he realized he was negligent by not assuming his roles as a father within the family. Odeke credited Human Life International with helping him to understand the godly role that a father holds within the family.

In West Africa’s Côte d’Ivoire, Human Life International has presented “Father and Future Father” workshops, which coordinator Armel Angodji reports were “well-received” and delivered “positive impacts.”

As Human Life International helps fathers in Africa step up to be their families’ protectors and providers, Urias prays for the upcoming generation of men, that they “stand firm and do what is right for the sake of their children.”


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